In a relationship, see where are the hearts not what are the words.

The Designer's Dilemma
1 min readJun 1, 2024


When we’re in a relationship, whether it’s with a friend, family member, or someone special, it’s super important to what are their intentions, more than the words they say.

You see, sometimes people say things that they don’t really mean, or they might not say anything at all but still feel something very strongly.
Someone close to you, who said they were fine, but you could tell by the look on their face, they were not?

Sometimes, what’s in our hearts is different from what we say out loud.

In a relationship, see where are the hearts not what are the words.

So, instead of just listening to the words someone says, let’s try to understand how they’re really feeling.

That way, we can build stronger and more meaningful connections with the people we care about.



The Designer's Dilemma

A journey of a fashion designer's dilemma of quitting the unhappy job to living a happy life and finding joy.